Christmas Wish List

Our hallmark project!  Underprivileged children from several schools create wish lists and Secret Santa team members purchase children everything on their list.

Children who would otherwise have no Christmas are instilled with joy and hope.  Our members work tireless for thousand of hours just to see the smile on a child’s face as they unwrap the gift of their dreams!

School Supplies & Uniforms

Every August, Secret Santa Team members assist local school districts with purchase of school supplies, uniforms & classroom needs.  Teachers and students grin from ear to ear as they relish the opportunity to interact and learn with the newly purchased equipment and supplies!

Nonprofit Assistance Program

Throughout the year Secret Santa selects several non for profits in the Rio Grande Valley to provide monetary assistance.   During the 2015 season we presented funs to CASA of Hidalgo County, Hope in Joy, and Red Nose Foundation.


Throughout the year, Secret Santa Society holds several events to raise awareness and funds to help our cause.  From barbecues to cocktail hours, our members work tirelessly to raise funds to help make our community a better place.